Our Offering
- Built Environment – litter and refuse, street lights, traffic signals, street furniture, air quality, city footfall, cctv
- Buildings and Property – management systems, energy and heating, access and security
- Transport – joined up active travel, linking up journeys, seamless integration
- Digital Master planning based on a sense of place building in resilience
- End to end joined up service delivery
- Customer involvement and self-serving at the heart of service engagement and delivery
- Creating higher value jobs supporting the local economies
- Leading the transition from data overkill to real time management information
- Ensuring policy and strategy and is based on real time information
- Ensuring more from less becomes the new norm
- Stripping out duplication and added bureaucracy
- City Services – refuse, street lights, traffic signals, street furniture, air quality, city footfall, cctv
- Driving up productivity and sweating assets more than ever
- Facilitating channel shift and greater focus